Elements with tag gt4

ToR Creación GT CTOI Aspectos socieconómicos y laborales pesca nov2017
Pages: 1
Size: 321.10 Kb

Bilateral agreements with countries outside the EU - Fisheries - European Commission
Bilateral agreements with countries outside the EU
AU-IBAR | Project Background
Africa has vast fish resources (in marine, inland capture and aquaculture) producing benefits to the continent through revenue, employment and general contribution to socio-economic growth and devel
PESCAO: A European Union mission visits the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
PESCAO: A European Union mission visits the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
Commission de l'Océan Indien: Le projet | Project
Commission de l Ocean Indien
farfish – Improving knowledge on and management of EU fisheries outside Europe
FarFish aims to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters, compatible with Maximum Sustainable Yield. To achieve this, FarFish will develop practical, achievable and cost-effective fisheries management tools and advice which can be applied immediately. The work will be done in collaboration of scientists, policy makers, resource users and other stakeholders aimed to improve fisheries management competences. FarFish will provide a better knowledge base of these fisheries and encourage resource users to actively take part in the management, thus empowering them, generating a sense of ownership and enhancing compliance.

Bilateral agreements with countries outside the EU - Fisheries - European Commission
Bilateral agreements with countries outside the EU
AU-IBAR | Project Background
Africa has vast fish resources (in marine, inland capture and aquaculture) producing benefits to the continent through revenue, employment and general contribution to socio-economic growth and devel
PESCAO: A European Union mission visits the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
PESCAO: A European Union mission visits the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
Commission de l'Océan Indien: Le projet | Project
Commission de l Ocean Indien
farfish – Improving knowledge on and management of EU fisheries outside Europe
FarFish aims to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters, compatible with Maximum Sustainable Yield. To achieve this, FarFish will develop practical, achievable and cost-effective fisheries management tools and advice which can be applied immediately. The work will be done in collaboration of scientists, policy makers, resource users and other stakeholders aimed to improve fisheries management competences. FarFish will provide a better knowledge base of these fisheries and encourage resource users to actively take part in the management, thus empowering them, generating a sense of ownership and enhancing compliance.

Bilateral agreements with countries outside the EU - Fisheries - European Commission
Bilateral agreements with countries outside the EU
AU-IBAR | Project Background
Africa has vast fish resources (in marine, inland capture and aquaculture) producing benefits to the continent through revenue, employment and general contribution to socio-economic growth and devel
PESCAO: A European Union mission visits the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
PESCAO: A European Union mission visits the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
Commission de l Océan Indien
Commission de l Ocean Indien
farfish – Improving knowledge on and management of EU fisheries outside Europe
FarFish aims to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters, compatible with Maximum Sustainable Yield. To achieve this, FarFish will develop practical, achievable and cost-effective fisheries management tools and advice which can be applied immediately. The work will be done in collaboration of scientists, policy makers, resource users and other stakeholders aimed to improve fisheries management competences. FarFish will provide a better knowledge base of these fisheries and encourage resource users to actively take part in the management, thus empowering them, generating a sense of ownership and enhancing compliance.

FR Rapport Réunion Annuelle Coordination LDAC-COMHAFAT_Vigo24Janvier2017
Pages: 9
Size: 759.44 Kb

ES Informe Reunión Anual Coordinación LDAC-COMHAFAT_Vigo24ene2017
Pages: 9
Size: 800.36 Kb
ES BORRADOR Acta GT4 LDAC_25_10_2016 (Copia en conflicto de Alexandre Rodriguez 2017-03-24)
Pages: 14
Size: 799.41 Kb

Presentación Manolo Liria LO en Aguas Fuera de la UE_ Seminario Descartes ARVI Vigo_18 Diciembre 201
Size: 2.88 Mb
Economic analysis of the EU tuna fleets involved in fishing activities governed by RFMOs or FPAs
European Commission – Study - Economic analysis of the EU tuna fleets involved in fishing activities governed by RFMOs or FPAs

Presentación Manolo Liria LO en Aguas Fuera de la UE_ Seminario Descartes ARVI Vigo_18 Diciembre 2015
Pages: 25
Size: 2.88 Mb
Economic analysis of the EU tuna fleets involved in fishing activities governed by RFMOs or FPAs
European Commission – Study - Economic analysis of the EU tuna fleets involved in fishing activities governed by RFMOs or FPAs

Pages: 14
Size: 872.00 Kb