Elements with tag ITF

Dec 07, 2022 at 08:14

The new joint project of the European social partners for sea fisheries (Europêche and ETF) has kicked off today in Amsterdam. Following a selection process, Europêche and ETF will count with the participation of specialists to develop a wide range of studies for a safer, healthier and more worker-friendly fisheries sector in Europe and worldwide. The action will focus on trade measures to combat forced labour, develop guidelines on recruitment of migrant fishers, develop a training programme for medical examination of fishers and update a mobile app to facilitate communication on fishing vessels (FisherySpeak).

SSDC press release - Launch pillars of the sea

Pages: 2

Size: 232.13 Kb

Sep 22, 2017 at 03:09

At the ‘Tripartite Meeting on Issues Relating to Migrant Fishers’ organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO) this week in Geneva, representatives from Governments, Workers and Employers adopted a set of conclusions, which includes a joint resolution, to address the challenges faced by fishers working on foreign vessels. Europêche’s representatives defended and promoted full respect for the social and labour rights of all fishing vessel’s crews and demanded that the same level of compliance must be required for all countries.

EP65 ILO Tripartite Press release final

Pages: 2

Size: 609.76 Kb

Sep 20, 2017 at 06:50

El miércoles 10 de mayo, los interlocutores sociales europeos* sobre pesca marítima firmaron una resolución en la que invitaban a la Unión Europea (UE) a asumir su responsabilidad y poner fin a las prácticas de trabajo forzoso en aguas de la UE. Las investigaciones realizadas por la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores del Transporte (ITF) revelaron graves infracciones de los principios fundamentales en el trabajo y los derechos de protección social de los pescadores migrantes en una parte del sector pesquero de la UE. Los interlocutores sociales esperan que la UE garantice el cumplimiento por parte de los Estados miembros de sus obligaciones y adopte directrices para las inspecciones del Estado del pabellón y del Estado del puerto para prevenir tales prácticas.

EP36 Joint ETF-Europêche-Cogeca Press Release - declaration on abuses of migrant fishers

Pages: 2

Size: 453.47 Kb

EP36 ANNEX Social Partners Resolution on Migrant Labour Abuses

Pages: 2

Size: 704.80 Kb

Sep 19, 2017 at 03:36

Mercredi 10 mai, les partenaires sociaux européens * des pêches maritimes ont signé une résolution invitant l'Union européenne (UE) à prendre ses responsabilités et à mettre fin aux pratiques de travail forcé dans les eaux de l'UE. Les enquêtes menées par la Fédération internationale des travailleurs du transport (ITF) ont révélé des violations graves des principes fondamentaux au travail et des droits de protection sociale des pêcheurs migrants dans une partie du secteur de la pêche de l'UE. Les partenaires sociaux s'attendent à ce que l'UE assure l'exécution par les États membres de leurs obligations et adopte des lignes directrices pour les inspections de l'État du pavillon et de l'État du port afin de prévenir de telles pratiques.

EP36 Joint ETF-Europêche-Cogeca Press Release - declaration on abuses of migrant fishers

Pages: 2

Size: 453.47 Kb

EP36 ANNEX Social Partners Resolution on Migrant Labour Abuses

Pages: 2

Size: 704.80 Kb

May 12, 2017 at 02:56

On Wednesday 10 May the European social partners* on sea-fisheries signed a resolution inviting the European Union (EU) to take up its responsibility and end forced labour practices in EU waters. Investigations executed by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) revealed serious infringements of fundamental principles at work and social protection rights of migrant fishers in a part of the EU’s fishing sector. The social partners expect the EU to ensure fulfilment by Member States of their obligations and to adopt guidelines for flag state and port state inspections to prevent such practices.

EP36 Joint ETF-Europêche-Cogeca Press Release - declaration on abuses of migrant fishers

Pages: 2

Size: 453.47 Kb

EP36 ANNEX Social Partners Resolution on Migrant Labour Abuses

Pages: 2

Size: 704.80 Kb

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