Elements with tag Sahara

Oct 29, 2021 at 08:21

The Joint Euro-Moroccan Commission of Fishing Professionals [1] has met last week to jointly address the options and challenges posed by the ruling of the General Court of the EU that annuls the sustainable fisheries partnership agreement with Morocco. At this meeting, the operators from both sides spoke with one voice. Sector representatives reinstated their commitment to work together with all stakeholders and policy-makers to resolve the situation and prevent any damage to the industry, trade relationship and partnership between the two parties. The Euro-Moroccan Commission will be working on a declaration of intentions that conceptualizes the fishing sector’s vision to ensure that the good cooperation between Morocco and the EU in sustainable fisheries can continue in the future.

Press release - Joint Euro-Moroccan Commission meeting (EN)

Pages: 1

Size: 219.84 Kb

Press release - Joint Euro-Moroccan Commission meeting (FR)

Pages: 1

Size: 196.06 Kb

Sep 30, 2021 at 08:19

Fishing industry representatives will urgently organize a meeting to address the situation and continue strengthening Euro-Moroccan fishing relations.

Press release - General Court ruling Morocco EN

Pages: 1

Size: 208.31 Kb

Press release - General Court ruling Morocco ES

Pages: 1

Size: 200.77 Kb

Press release - General Court ruling Morocco FR

Pages: 1

Size: 238.00 Kb

Jan 18, 2019 at 05:55

El pleno del Parlamento Europeo, que se ha desarrollado hasta ayer en Estrasburgo, rechazó una propuesta de resolución de un numeroso grupo de europarlamentarios para consultar al Tribunal de Justicia de la UE si es válida la ampliación del Acuerdo de Marruecos a los territorios del Sahara, y a continuación aprobó su extensión. Ante esto Fepex, la Federación Española de Asociaciones de Productores Exportadores de Frutas, Hortalizas, Flores y Plantas vivas, ha manifestado su preocupación pues las producciones saharauis coinciden plenamente en calendarios y mercados con las producciones españolas

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