Elements with tag margin of tolerance

Feb 13, 2024 at 02:03

• Europêche shared the frustration voiced by farmers regarding imbalanced and unworkable EU policies strangling fishing companies across the EU • Europêche calls to elevate primary production high in the future Commission’s structure to safeguard the sector's vital contribution to food sovereignty • Given Norway's aggressive stance against EU fishing interests post-Brexit, Europêche calls for rejection of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2021-2028

Press Release - meeting with Perm Reps 8 Feb 2024

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Jun 23, 2023 at 05:10

Next Tuesday, 27 June, the European Parliament Committee on Fisheries will vote the political agreement reached three weeks ago with the Council of the EU. The fishing industry represented by EAPO and Europêche reiterate their appreciation for the work invested over the past few years by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and the Member States to make the Commission’s proposal on new control rules more flexible and closer to the fisheries reality. As it was the case with the previous regime, once adopted, the sector will aim to comply with the new control system and will cooperate to make it operational. However, the sector requests transparency and involvement in the process and methodology to implement the new control devices on the different fleets. Fishers’ representatives remind that these new technological appliances will not solve the problems created by CFP elements such as the Landing Obligation for which several times a revision has been requested. Such revision should


Joint_Press_release_Control_Regulation FINAL

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Jul 14, 2022 at 04:00

The control rule on margin of tolerance is currently incompatible with the conditions and specificities inherent to the fishing operations in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery. Crushed by heavy sanctions, EU tuna vessels operating in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans might disappear in the very near future.

EP Press Release - Europeche MoT sanctions_FINAL[57]

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Mar 11, 2021 at 02:45

This morning, the European Parliament adopted its position on a new set of rules meant to revise the Union Fisheries Control System. In general terms, the Parliament position improves the proposal from the European Commission modernising control and enforcement measures without penalising or creating excessive bureaucracy to fishers. Particularly positive were the changes introducing more flexibility on the margin of tolerance for weight estimates done by fishers on board and the exemption of engine power monitoring devices for fisheries subject to catch limits. However, there is a huge elephant in the room, the mandatory installation of cameras to control a failed EU policy, the landing obligation. In this context, Europêche hopes that governments address this “big brother” issue within the Council in the following months.

EP20 Press release Plenary vote Fisheries Control System

Pages: 2

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