Elements with tag long distance fleet
The Council of the EU and the European Parliament have reached a political agreement on a new legislative framework for the sustainable management of the external fishing fleets. The new regime sets out strict, transparent and harmonised rules for issuing and managing fishing authorisations to EU vessels fishing outside Community waters and to foreign vessels operating in EU waters. While Europêche agreed on the need to modernise the system, the fishing body urged the deletion of certain provisions which were threatening the survival of responsible fishing companies. In this sense, the fishing association celebrates that their call to eliminate the infamous “double penalty system” from the text of the Regulation was finally endorsed by the co-legislators.
The Side Event will adress these issues trough three short presentations, followed by a question-answer session. Attendees will also be able to discuss these issues with the presentrs ans sponsors during the event while enjoying refreshments and snacks. The presentations will cover the following topics:
Remarks on the importance of MCS for ICCAT fishieries
Stefaan Depypere, ICCAT Chair.
The GEF/ABNJ Tuna Project's MCS activities.
Alejandro Anganuzzi, Common Oceans/ABNJ Tuna Project
Incresing Transparency in fishing agreements.
Julio Morón-Ayala, LDAC
Opportunities for improved data collection and mornitoring through electronic reporting and electronic monitoring.
Victor Restrepo, ISSF.
Mr Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, met yesterday with a Europêche delegation representing the long distance fishing fleet in Europe. Both Commissioner Vella and Europêche valued positively the major improvements made in the external dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which positions the EU distant-water fishing fleets at the forefront of the world's sustainable fisheries. The sector recalled the importance of adopting more fisheries agreements with 3rd countries which must be linked to trade and regional policies. Europêche requested further diplomatic pressure on Norway on the issue of snow crabbing and other important fish stocks in the Barents Sea and Svalbard waters.