Elements with tag MSFD

Oct 01, 2020 at 01:21

As part of the Green Deal, the European Commission has announced the goal to increase the EU’s offshore energy production twenty times to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The European Commission aims to meet this target while at the same time managing the maritime space sustainably. A recent study [1] commissioned by the EU Executive body puts forward a set of recommendations for positive interactions between fisheries and offshore wind farms. The fishing sector is sceptical about the main findings of this study which downplays the conflicts and echoes the myth of a so-called “happy co-existence” built by the wind energy sector. Likewise, the authors neglect the negative environmental impacts of windfarms and even more so the socio-economic consequences on the fishing communities.

EP52 Press release EAPO-Europeche Offshore Windfarms study

Pages: 2

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Apr 20, 2018 at 09:57

Today, a delegation of fishing representatives from Europêche met with Mr Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to discuss the main topics at the top of the political and legislative fisheries agenda in the EU. Both Commissioner Vella and Europêche credited the great progress in achieving sustainable fisheries with already 97% of the landings in the North East Atlantic coming from EU managed stocks fished at Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) levels. The sector showed support to Commissioner Vella to continue proposing the necessary legislation to implement the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), however called for rational policies which take into consideration socio-economic aspects and that can be implemented in practice.

EP31 Press release - Meeting with Vella

Pages: 2

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Sep 19, 2017 at 09:18

Europêche, organismo representativo del sector pesquero de la UE, ha expresado su frustración por la decisión adoptada por el Colegio de Comisarios de reconocer que, tras un "control de aptitud", las Directivas europeas sobre aves y hábitats siguen siendo pertinentes y adecuadas. Por lo tanto, sobre la base de esta decisión, estas Directivas no serán revisadas. Sin embargo, la Comisión Europea (CE) elaborará un plan de acción para corregir las deficiencias detectadas en la aplicación de las Directivas sobre aves y hábitats.

EP90 Joint Press Release - Natura 2000 refit

Pages: 2

Size: 485.69 Kb

Sep 18, 2017 at 08:11

Europêche, l'organe représentatif du secteur de la pêche de l'UE a exprimé sa frustration face à la décision prise par le collège des commissaires reconnaissant que, suite à un «contrôle de conditionnement physique», les directives européennes sur les oiseaux et les habitats restent pertinentes et adaptées à leurs besoins. Par conséquent, sur la base de cette décision, ces directives ne seront pas examinées. La Commission européenne (CE) élaborera toutefois un plan d'action pour corriger les lacunes rencontrées dans la mise en œuvre des directives «Oiseaux et habitats».

EP90 Press Release - Natura 2000 refit

Pages: 2

Size: 570.90 Kb

Dec 19, 2016 at 05:59

Europêche, the representative body of the EU fishing sector has expressed its frustration at the decision taken by the College of Commissioners recognising that, following a “fitness check”, the European Birds and Habitats Directives remain relevant and fit for purpose. Therefore, on the basis of this decision, these Directives will not be reviewed. The European Commission (EC) will however develop an Action Plan to correct the deficiencies encountered in the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives.

EP90 Joint Press Release - Natura 2000 refit

Pages: 2

Size: 485.72 Kb

Sep 09, 2016 at 02:33

Karmenu Vella, commissaire de l'environnement et des affaires maritimes et de la pêche, était l'invité d'honneur à l'assemblée générale d'Europêche présidée par Javier Garat. Durant plus de deux heures, le commissaire a écouté avec attention les préoccupations concernant le développement actuel des politiques de pêche, dans le cadre de la nouvelle Politique commune de pêche.

EP64 Press release Karmenu Vella Europeche General Assembly

Size: 512.85 Kb

Jul 16, 2015 at 07:45

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, was guest of honour at this week's Europêche General Assembly meeting which was chaired by the Europêche President, Javier Garat. For up to two hours, the Commissioner listened to the European concerns regarding current developments on fisheries policies, in the framework of the new Common Fisheries Policy.

EP64 Press release Karmenu Vella Europeche General Assembly

Pages: 2

Size: 512.85 Kb

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